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Welcome to
D16's BlogShop,
your number ONE stop for
handmade gifts and crafts
Ever wanted to
give someone a present,
but really have
NO IDEA what to give?
Fret no more~
D16 will
you for choice,
with our
range of gifts,
affordable prices!
Greeting Cards
of all sorts are our calling
Handmade crafts
are available too~
Have fun looking through
Hopefully you find the
perfect gift for
that special someone
We wish you
a pleasant day ahead~
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Title: XX's Special
Comments: 8:04 PM
Hello one and all~
new cards have arrived and we've received orders for Hari Raya Cards, here are some examples of them and new arrivals too!
[[ GC-026-BL ~ $7.00 ]]
Customized Birthday Card

[[ GC-025-PK ~ $x.xx ]]
Customized Birthday Card (adaptation of MD-006-PK)
Interior view of [[ GC-025-PK ]]
[[ GC-026-IR ~ $x.xx ]]
Ivory base with Embroidery and Faux Diamondantes
[[ GC-027-PK ~ $x.xx ]]
Pale pink base with Embroided Window and Faux Diamondantes
[[ HP-001-GE ~ $5.20 ]]
Customized green base, with Embroided Window and Giant Ribbon
[[ HP-002-YL ~ $5.20 ]]
Customized Yellow base, with Graphic Print translucent window
[[ HP-002-GE ~ $5.20 ]]
Customized Green base, with Graphic Print translucent window
[[ HP-003-PK ~ $5.20 ]]
Pink base with Arabic Caligraphy and Graphic Print
[[ HP-004-IR ~ $5.20 ]]
Ivory base with an Intricate Ribbon Design and Giant Ribbon
yours truly,
D16 Team
*last updated on 23/4/08
Labels: patience.
Title: Greeting Cards for any Ocassion
Comments: 8:01 PM
Our finest display of Cards~!
A Blue Card with a Metal Ring
[[ GC-002-PK ~ $2.90 ]]
Simple and Elegant Pink-Beaded Card
[[ GC-003-YL ~ $3.90 ]]
A pale Yellow Card with Ribbons and Beads
[[ GC-004-BL ~ $3.90 ]]
A Blue Card with Tracing Paper and a Seashell
[[ GC-004-BL(inner view) ]]
[[ GC-005-YL ~ $2.90 ]]
Simple pale Yellow Card
[[ GC-006-RD ~ $6.00 ]]
A Red Based Card with 9 Folded Stars and a Swan
[[ GC-007-PK ~ $3.90 ]]
A Rose-Printed Card with a Fancy Folded Ribbon
[[ GC-008-PL ~ $2.90 ]]
A Purple Card with a Ring of Beads
[[ GC-009-PK ~ $3.90 ]]
A Pretty Pink Based Card with a Huge Seashell
[[ GC-010-MX ~ $8.90 ]]
A Mixture of colours for this Card, with a Huge Four Leaf Clover for good luck
[[ GC-011-PK ~ $9.90 ]]
A Pink Based Card, with Fancy Cutting and a Pretty Ribbon
[[ GC-012-BL ~ $4.50 ]]
A Blue windowed-Card with a Heart and Flowers
[[ GC-012-PK ~ $4.50 ]]
A Pink windowed-Card with a Heart and Flowers
[[ GC-013-BK ~ $5.00 ]]
An open-door-Black Card with Flowers!
A Yellow Card with a Yellow Fold!
[[ GC-015-MX ~ $4.50 ]]
A Pale Yellow Card with Multi-coloured Boxes

[[ GC-016-MX ~ $9.90 ]]
A Multi-Coloured Card 
[[ GC-016-MX ~ Customized to Get Well Card ]]

[[ GC-017-SW ~ $10.00 ]]
Shiny white base with ribbons and alternating beads

[[ GC-018-PL ~ $3.50 ]]
Metallic Purple based card with a ribbon-bordered window
[[ GC-019-BL ~ $3.50 ]]
Blue based card.
[[ GC-020-BL ~ $3.50 ]]
Patterned transparent paper and blue base
[[ GC-021-RB ~ $4.90 ]]
Pop Up card - Devilish Love
[[ GC-021-RB ~ inner view ]]
[[ GC-022-BO ~ $3.90 ]]
Pop Up Card - Smiley
[[ GC-022-BO ~ inner view ]]
[[ GC-023-BO ~ $3.90 ]]
Pop Up Card - Chomp!*#@
[[ GC-023-BO ~ inner view ]]
[[ GC-024-PL ~ $3.50 ]]
Purple Base with folded ribbon
[[ VD-001-BK ~ $2.50 ]]
A Black Based Card with Floral Patterns
[[ VD-002-RH ~ $2.90 ]]
A Red Based Card with Ribbons and a Heart
[[ VD-002-RR ~ $2.90 ]]
A Red Based Card with Ribbons and a Rose
[[ VD-003-PK ~ $3.90 ]]
A Sweet Pink Card with a Fancy Folded Ribbon
[[ VD-004-DB ~ $8.90 ]]
14 Folded stars with 2 Swans and Glittery Designs on a Blue Card
[[ VD-005-BK ~ $2.90 ]]
A Black Card with a big Glittery Heart
[[ VD-006-BL ~ $2.90 ]]
A Blue Based Card with Ribbons and Flowers
[[ VD-007-PK ~ $2.00 ]]
A simple Pink Card with Stars and a Heart
[[ VD-008-PK ~ $2.50 ]]
A Pink Card with Tracing Paper, Ribbon and Heart
[[ VD-009-PK ~ $2.50 ]]
A Pink Card with Double Ribbons and a Heart
[[ VD-010-SL ~ $4.90 ]]
A Silver and Shiny Card
[[ VD-011-SP ~ $7.00 ]]
A Shiny Pink Card with a Glittery Heart
[[ VD-012-PK ~ $3.50 ]]
A Magenta Based Card with a huge Glittery Heart
[[ VD-013-BK ~ $3.90 ]]
A Black Card with a Glittery Heart and Double Flowers
[[ VD-014-BL ~ $3.50 ]]
A Blue Card with Triple-Heart Combination

[[ VD-015-OG ~ $2.90 ]]
A Customized Birthday Orange Card with Folded Stars, Heart & Flower

[[ MD-002-DB ~ $4.00 ]]
Dark Blue base with 9 folded stars
[[ MD-002-IR ~ $4.00 ]]
Ivory base with 9 folded stars with glow-in-the-dark glitter
[[ MD-003-PL ~ $3.50 ]]
Purple base with half-heart-cut
[[ MD-003-IR ~ $3.50 ]]
Ivory base with half-heart-cut
[[ MD-004-PK ~ $2.90 ]]
Pink base with 4 folded hearts
[[ MD-005-YL ~ $4.90 ]]
Pink base with double windows

[[ MD-005-PK ~ $4.90 ]]

[[ MD-006-BL ~ $4.90 ]]
Blue heart-window with tracing paper
[[ MD-006-PK ~ $4.90 ]]
initial design of MD-006-PK, you may order this one.
[[ MD-007-PP ~ $4.90 ]]
Interior 3D pop up heart.
Exterior view of [[ MD-007-PP ]]
[[ XM-001-BK ~ $9.90 ]] Christmas Card, Black Base with Cut-out Heart!
To order any card, simply email its code to any of us~
our emails are under our profile (:
postage delivery/payment and meet-ups will be discussed through email
To customize your card, email along your name, you dedicated message, and the recepient's name, or send us a picture if you would like to have your face or someone's face in the card!
Message Dedication in shiny silver ink costs 20cents per card
*note that prices of cards may change*
Well, what are you waiting for?
yours truly,
D16 Team
*last updated on 18/7/08
Labels: cards galore~